Purchase the card set from our website to receive the code to access this class


    1. Welcome to the Forage Studio! Let's start with the materials you'll need

    2. Making the Background Squares

    3. How You'll Finish Them Off

    1. Christmas Tree #1

    2. Christmas Tree #2

    3. Christmas Tree #3

    4. Christmas Tree #4

    5. Christmas Tree #5

    6. Christmas Tree #6

    7. Christmas Tree #7

    8. Christmas Tree #8

    9. Christmas Tree #9

    10. Christmas Tree #10

    11. Christmas Tree #11

    12. Christmas Tree #12

    1. Lazy Daisy (Detached Chain Stitch)

    2. Chain stitch

    3. Whipped chain stitch

    4. Couching

    5. Buttons

    6. Whipped back stitch

    7. Back stitch

    8. Knots

About this course

  • 23 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content
  • A set of instruction cards

To Access Your Class:

Click on this button. Use the code which came on your card pack to 'buy' the class at the checkout.